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Staff BIOs

Full Name: Sharon Butts-Boyd


Drum Corps: VIP Drum and Bugle Corps


Year:               VIP drum and Bugle Corps 1965-1969


What instrument or equipment did you play or carry: I carried a flag


Schools:         BA Degree from Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, LA.

                        Masters Degree from Catholic University. In WDC


Occupation:    Worked for the Congressional Research Service of the Library Congress as an Information Research Specialist

                         and Manager. Recently retired.


Statement:     Started with VIP's in 1965 after hearing about the start of the Drum Corp at a CYO (Catholic Youth Organization)                                                          meeting at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) church. Carried a flag and marched with the VIP's Drum and Bugle

                        Corps from 1965  through 1969. Was a member of the VIP Winter Guard

Full Name:      Judy Jones Carter

Drum Corps:   VIP Drum & Bugle Corps


 Years:             1966 to 1971  

What instrument or equipment did you play or carry:    Rifle


Schools: Attended DC Public Schools, graduating from Eastern High School.

                Earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Federal City College.      


Occupation: After a rewarding career in the Federal government, she retired from the position of Director, Office of Budget

                      and Management in a component of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Statement: Was a member of the VIP Winter Color Guard

Full Name:      Edward A. Dalton

Drum Corps:  2 Boys Club of Washington DC

                        VIP’s of Washington DC

                        Young Americans of Newport News, VA

                        Yankee Rebels Senior Corps in Baltimore, MD

                        Blessed Sacrament Golden Knights of New Jersey all age Drum and   Bugle Corps

 Year:              # 2 Boys Club of Washington DC   1966 – 67

                       VIP’s of Washington DC VIP’s of Washington DC   1968 – 70, 72

                       Young Americans of Newport News, VA  1971

                       Yankee Rebels Senior Corps in Baltimore, MD in the 80’s

                        Blessed Sacrament Golden Knights of New Jersey all age Drum and Bugle Corps 2008-2014

  DOB:            06-02-1952

​What instrument or equipment did you play or carry:  Bass Baritone and Contra Bass

Schools:       Terrell Jr. High School NW Washington DC

                      Anacostia High School SE Washington DC

Occupation: Network and Computer Support Information Systems

                     Service Desk Manager / Building Automation Systems administrator for Facility Maintenance and Operations

                     Division J. F. Kennedy Center

Statement:  I was playing baritone and tuba for the Terrell Jr. High School band, when the band instructor thought highly of my abilities. This                             gave me the confidence to join the Boys Club Drum Corp they would always have events in front of the school that was eye catching                       and impressive. They were located near where I lived and went to Jr. High School at the time, and all my friends were attending the                       club for other activities. I eventually left the boys club for the VIP’s because my family relocating near Our Lady of Perpetual Help                            Catholic Church in SE music and field on the grounds where we held rehearsals Washington DC. It was the best adventure of my                            young life; the lessons lasted a life time.

Full Name:      Norman Dowtin


Drum Corps:  Royal Sabres and VIP's Drum and Bugle Corps


What instrument or equipment did you play or carry: Drums



Full Name:       Shirley Curtis Lathern


Drum Corps: Royal Eagles Drum and Bugle Corps

                      VIP Drum and Bugle Corps


Year:              Royal Eagles 1964

                      VIP drum and Bugle Corps 1965-1971   


What instrument or equipment did you play or carry:  I was in the Color Guard for both     corps and carried flag in Royal Eagles and the VIP Drum and Bugle Corps.

Schools:      Graduate of Eastern High School of WDC

                     BSN degree from DePaul University in Chicago, IL

                     BSCIS degree from Strayer University in WDC      


Occupation: Psychiatric Nurse Technician/Counselor at St Elizabeth Hospital in WDC

                     Executive Assistant to Executive Director of the Council of Great City Schools in WDC

                     Technical Support Specialist for CGCS

                     Presently retired

Statement:  And in1966 The VIP Winter Guard was establish where I started off carrying a flag however in 1969 I was promoted to Commander,                       carried a saber and gave verbal rhythmic commands to the Winter Guard during competition


Full Name:     Harold Alan Whitt


Drum Corps:    VFW Lancers Drum & Bugle Corp Washington DC

                           VIPs drum and bugle Corps Washington DC

                           St. Mary’s Lancers Baltimore Maryland

                           Blessed Sacrament golden Nights Newark New Jersey


 DOB:               November 3, 1947


What instrument or equipment did play or carry: Drums


Schools:            Browne Junior high l School NW Washington DC

                           Eastern High School SE Washington DC

                           Howard University Washington DC

                           George Washington University Washington DC


Occupation:     Mainframe Systems Engineer/Systems Programmer IBM

                         Advanced Network Engineer Software Developer EDS Information Systems

                         Computer Counterintelligence Specialist Naval Air Warfare Center General Dynamics

                         Director of Network Services Department Of Commerce National Weather Service

                         President and Chief Executive Officer of Sysnet America Inc.


Statement:      Introduced to music in junior high school and started to play the clarinet. As my music knowledge advanced I started to play                                   percussion instruments in the orchestra and in the school band. I was introduced to drum and bugle Corps my freshman year in                             high school and concentrated on the snare drum from that point forward in my musical advancement.


                         One Saturday morning I heard what was sounding like thunder but turned out to be drums coming from Spingarn high school so I                        quickly ran to see the source one Saturday morning. I became a member of the VFW Lancers located in Northeast Washington.                               My experience in drum Corps taught me very valuable information regarding the value of a broader and working together in the                             development of leadership skills.


                        Most importantly, I had never been outside Washington DC until joining the drum and bugle Corps and it helped widen my                                        horizons regarding other areas of the state and the country and gave me the confidence to travel.

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